Hi, I am responding to the comment in one of the posts on this thread that their child's writing was more indicative of dyslexia to them than anything (paraphrasing). Anyway,I have posted before about being concerned my son has dyslexia or dysgraphia ... he already is diagnosed with benign congenital hypotonia (which makes writing and fine motor skills difficult for him) and, recently, he has been diagnosed with intermittent convergent strabismus, which means that his eyes are crossing and can result in dyslexia-like symptoms when reading and doing close-work. He's been getting Vision therapy and occupational therapy for the strabismus. Anyway, today he wanted to add some numbers together. He tried to write 124 plus 124 plus 90. All of the 2s and 4s were backwards - he then tried to write a 9 but realized he wrote a six but struggled b/c he couldn't figure out how the 9 goes. I told him how the 9 goes and told him his 2s and 4s were backwards and to write them over (I was cooking dinner). He writes them over and comes to show me - now he wrote his 2s and 4s the correct way but had written 421 instead of 124 and his 9 was not a 6 but was facing backwards. He will be 7 first week in September. Does this seem like dyslexia to any of you? I am waiting to get him tested on it b/c I think the vision and OT therapy needs time to 'fix' his vision problem but I am worrying all of the time and the posts on this thread really resonate. Sorry to hijack but just wondering what y'all think frown

Last edited by marytheres; 08/13/12 02:39 PM.