ou're with a group of parents that you know to varying degrees, and one of them says her child has read the HP series 5 times and she wishes he'd read something else, but he keeps not liking things she suggests. You say, "My son really enjoyed the Philip Pullman His Dark Materials trilogy just after his HP phase." She doesn't know how old your child is, and your remark is relevant, true and useful; she won't perceive your remark as a brag. Someone else in the group, however, knows that your child is 6 and in the meantime her 6yo is struggling with The Cat in the Hat.

Yeah, I wouldn't say this unless I knew I was among other parents of kids who are really strong readers. However, I think I might say something like "The His Dark Materials series is a good one for kids who are done with HP" or "I've heard good things about the His Dark Materials series."

With people who know my child extremely well, I'm less careful, because they see what she's doing and it would be a little silly to pretend otherwise. But I still am cautious.