Perhaps I'm wrong on this, but I think this is the thing.

A person can say anything they want, with well-hidden intentions or well-meaning intentions, or skewed intentions -- they could say it with the right words and right tone, or they could say it with the wrong (because they are imperfect) word and wrong tone. And they can say it at the right time or the wrong time. omg.

I'm always surprised when other people, later, after hearing someone say something, will then report (to other ppl) on what that person's intentions were. Like as if they know or could see into the heart.

Many of us *are* intuitive, so maybe we can get a "sense" of things. But will we ever really know? (Unless the person spelled out their intentions.) (I think only if you go back to the source and have an honest discussion with an accepting attitude of the other person. Not with a a lot of other possible attitudes that one can bring to a conversation.) But still -- this is assuming honesty. Also assuming a deep understanding of the self -- as we all have multiple layers/reasons/issues when we speak.

So... smile ... I challenge that it is up to the receiver/hearer to take what they want from what someone said.

Next time someone sounds like they are bragging and consistently does so, I suppose you can come to some conclusion about the person -- but only for a period of time -- as I do believe people can change. smile

And perhaps, you can offer a little bit of 'grace' and acknowledge them and reassure them that they are doing well.

sappy nappy wink