Originally Posted by sydness
I'm just not convinced that she is gifted...needing more maybe...but I don't know about gifted...although I was sure when she was a baby...I guess once I know for sure I will be able to fight harder.
How unusual would she have to be before you 'felt' like she was gifted?

Top 10%? Top 5%? Top 3%? Top 0.1%?
My DH used to think that as long as there was someone that he knew at one moment of his life that was 'smarter' than himself, that he couldn't possibly be gifted. Everyone has their own definition of giftedness, so it makes sense that whatever definition you choose it will be wrong to most other people.

Those are all real cut offs used by real programs somewhere or other. Try reading Ruf's 5 levels of giftedness while waiting for that test date...it might help.

I myself define gifted as 'having special educational needs that are different enough from local peers that there is a low likelihood of having those needs met in a regualar classroom without significant modification.' So yeah - if she is not having her needs met at school, than for my purposes, she is gifted, by definition.

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