Originally Posted by sydness
She thinks everything is easy, and tells me it is too easy, yet gets answers wrong!

...Comments like these, may be why she is here, thinking that she knows everything.

I call this the 'Goldilocks Problem' - when a child is seriously underplaced for a long long time, then everything is 'too easy' or 'too hard' - finding the just right level to learn is very difficult indeed. It takes slow careful 'supported pushes' to get a child out of this - we did it by afterschooling with Aleks.com

It's great having the computer be the 'bad guy' and one can just be an ally for the child.

As for the comments - wrap your head around this possibility - the comments might only have served to validate what she is surely able to see for herself. Scary, huh?

Love and More Love,

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