nope...Ginny is the mom here. Harry married Ginny.

Hmmm. We are 1.5 hour away from the one in Mass. I will have to look into that!

We can't pay for an IQ. School seems like they won't either, although I haven't pushed as hard as I could. But why would they test if they have no program and have a NO "skipping" policy!? Our school system tests for giftedness in 4th grade with some sort of group test. Then your name gets on a list. And that is that.
In 6th grade you are placed in either regular (Everyday Math) or accelerated Math or pre-algebra. I assume she will test into the pre-algebra trac in 6th. (But by then, she may have just give up.)

I guess I'm questioning if her abilities are a high I as thought they were. She was VERY advanced as a baby and todler. VERY! People called her a liar when they asked her how old she was and what grade she was in. Her answer was two! (She was drawing really well before she turned 2, speeking, writing, recognizing words and all letters and knew all letter sounds. She was a computer whiz (exclaiming once, at 2, that the video wouldn't play because she was using the wrong BROWSER! I never did math at home with her, but by 5, it was obvious she could manipulate money way better than her class-mates.)

I'm questioning her abilities now. She seems VERY good, probabally 1 or 2 or 3 years ahead in EVERYTHING - even social interactions, dress, and self-help.

I guess I'm wondering...she seems to have very good executive funtion! Being potty trained by 23 months and NEVER having one accident. Sleeping throught the night at 3 weeks and not needing naps. Finding her way/directions...she always found/finds my car. Crazy memory (annoyingly crazy). Always remembers a face. Understands the social scene after only a few minutes.

Maybe this good executive function makes her a few years advanced in all things, but not really far advanced in any one thing. She is a jack of all trades! Master of - - well -- maybe Ballet...(on her way)...
Now, in third grade, she is getting answers wrong. I can't tell if it is because she is crazy bored, or if she really does need the practice. She is not reading directions. She is adding instead of subtracting. She is not answering in complete sentences. She seems like she doesn't take very long on any problem and just writes the easy thing...right or wrong. Her penmanship has become a problem. (used to be beautiful) She frequently sovles a problem and coppies the answer to her page wrong because she can't read her answer. OR worse she does the problem in her head and makes an error.

She thinks everything is easy, and tells me it is too easy, yet gets answers wrong!

If she is underachieving, I fear it may be too late for her to recover.

If she really needs the extra practice, how can I knock her down a notch without hurting her self-esteem so she will take her time and open her mind and allow others to teach her.

I guess the problem I see, is that she won't learn...she thinks she knows everything already! It doesn't help that her friends think that she knows everything too!

I guess I'm just venting, but any insight would be helpful! Again, she has not been identified as gifted, but her 1&2 grade (Montessori) teacher told us she was very gifted and so did her public (old) second grade teacher. He said she was the "smartest" kid he ever taught!

Comments like these, may be why she is here, thinking that she knows everything.