Thanks Sydness.
I enjoyed reading this very much and look forward to reading more.
(Does this mean that Harry marries Herminie? I always felt a bit uncomfortable about the Hermine and Ron thing)

Anyway - think you DD would enjoy this?

It's hard being the only child around with a particular interest...It's possible that your local library would be willing for you to organize a NaNoWrMo event to raise awareness or even sponsor a writers group for young people.

If you can get the school to allow her to take an online class during school hours, you might check out

Which is more about becoming an excellent reader than writing, but at least with peers.

Another possibility is to check out the local college/university/community college and see if there is a professor who would act as a mentor.

As far as the question of 'is she gifted' - I think you'd need an IQ test to know.
Would the school provide one?
Another possibility is to do the talent search testing -

Don't know if any of these sites are nearby, but she could attend next summer:
CTY summer programs for young students are available for students in grades 2-4 in the daytime, and for those in 5th and 6th grades as residential or daytime programs. They are held at the following sites:
Moravian College - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Washington College - Chestertown, Maryland
Stanford University - Palo Alto, California
Mount Holyoke College - South Hadley, Massachusetts
California Lutheran University - Thousand Oaks, California
St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School - Alexandria, Virginia
Windward School - Los Angeles, California
Garrison Forest School - Owings Mills, Maryland
Maranatha High School - Pasadena, California
Sandy Spring Friends School - Sandy Spring, Maryland
St. Paul's School - Brooklandville, Maryland

When you say "I am questioning her abilities lately" I can't tell if you are questioning that she is much stronger than expected or much weaker. What is your main worry?

Best wishes,

Coaching available, at