Here's the link to Research at Yale -

I didn't see anything that looked likely, but you can always try calling asking. Also - make a date with yourself to check in 3 months.

It might be worth a call to Yale Child Study Center

230 South Frontage Rd.
New Haven, CT 06520
Tel: 203.785.2540
to see if there are any discounted IQ tests being given by trainees.

Worth a vist to this school -
Phoenix Academy

and this one -
Pierrepont School - Home Page

I know some families who love this one -
(they have a summer program as well - August 15-19 and 22-26)

If you haven't discoverd this weekend activity/summer program place - try some summer classes here:

The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop | Make something of yourself.

These people are amazing and attract a very gifted-friendly crowd - one summer my son got inspired to learn to solve the Rubix cube from one of the other campers. Be ready to try and find some 'like minded' friends for your daughter there, and ask the other moms lots of questions about which school is working for them.

Here's the link for the State association -

I'll post more as I think of it -
Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at