Originally Posted by Mama22Gs
[quote=Grinity]OK, I've FINALLY read that enough on this board for it to sink in and to finally make it happen for DS7. ...I talked with her quite a bit about the tests, and about DS7's perfectionism and she said what I thought were the right things, particularly about how to encourage responses other than, "I don't know" or "I'm not sure" which is what I expect him to say a lot.
Good for you Mama22gs!
I do hope that your son cooperates and is well that day.

In the meantime let's talk about what- if anything- you can do at home to encourage your DS7 to loosen up when the situation calls for it. I guess I'd think of it as afterschooling the social skill or reading a situation and up or down regulating how much care one should put into one answers. Then when the test comes, you'll already have a code word in place to help your son 'trigger' the proper behavior for the occasion.

If you give us some details of where your son tends to get overly perfectionistic, I'll throw out some possible ideas. It's fun to point out in books or movies people who are more or less cautious about saying what they think, ideally you can find some characters who match their responses to the situation. Or you could think about what kind of style different jobs might call for.


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