All three of my kids present very differently and all three test as gifted. With my girls who are both HG+, one is twice exceptional, the other is not. With my son who has had only school GT testing, well, he's a boy. He missed that teacher-pleasing gene that the girls seem to have. I'm thankful for the friend who gave me the "test them all" advice. If we hadn't, DD9 probably wouldn't have been identified as gifted and wouldn't have received any support for her dyslexia until much later.

FYI, the reading aspects of the Ruf levels have not corresponded well to my kids. I guess they would be considered late-bloomers since two of them did not learn to read until they were 5, my dyslexic DD read at 6. My girls were both stronger on math and non-verbal measures. I don't have complete data on DS yet.