Very cool, Grinity! We'll play "3 Wrong Things" at dinner tonight. Sounds like great fun!

Since you asked, here's another....

DS9 took his NaNoWriMo book to school to show his teacher/classmates.
I asked DS7 if he wanted to show his NaNoWriMo book to his teacher or his class.
He said he wanted to, but he was afraid. What if she/they laughed at him and said it was stupid?

Not so sure this is perfectionism per se. It's the same with almost everything he does, though. He is very afraid that what he's done isn't/won't be good enough, and that people will make fun of him. He doesn't want to invite friends/family members to things like the spelling bee or his sporting events, because he'd be embarassed if he made a mistake/didn't win.

And one other thing. I asked DC last year, if they could have one wish to have some special power or turn into something else, what would it be (e.g., power to fly, a wizard like HP). DS7's answer: I'd be perfect at everything. I told him I was sorry to hear that, because that would mean he'd have THE most boring life ever. To be perfect at everything meant he'd never have the excitement of learning to do something that he couldn't do before. Maybe I was reading too much into it, but it made me sad to hear that would be his wish.

Last edited by Mama22Gs; 02/17/11 02:36 PM. Reason: Added "And one other thing...."