We've played a game called Balderdash, and it's pretty fun. That might be good,(or some version using SAT words.) The whole point is that no one in the family knows the real answers.

Another game we play is '3 wrong things' - it's good for standing in line. We take turns picking a topic and then ask:"What are 3 wrong things to do with a bowling ball?"
The others answer such as - plant flowers in the finger holes, iron my shirts with a bowling ball, or use it to paint with.

There are no 'wrong' answers - ((happy smile)) by definition. You might want to encourage competition for the 'wrongiest' answer, by encouraging everyone to chant "That is SO wrong!"
We had to make a 'no bathroom answers' rule after the first week.

It's also good to tell family stories about embarassing moments the adults have lived through. It helped my son to know that when folks laugh at a mistake you've made, it isn't exactly that they are laughing AT you, it's more that they are releasing tension they carry about how they would be so embarassed to be in your shoes right now. It's sort of an association/causation error to think that the pain comes from being laughed at.

You might want to try a version of charades such as 'Mistake Theatre' where family members act out 'classic' mistakes and the others try to guess which classic mistake the person is thinking of. Maybe brainstorm the clues as a group first and put them on scraps of paper into a hat so that folks don't have the added stress of picking a topic.

Give another one, please.

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