Originally Posted by LotsOtots5
The one I am most concerned with (aside from the unmotivated 10 yr old) is my 5 yr old. He frequently says he hates school and cries sometimes. When I ask him why, he says it's because "It's too long".
Then start with the 5 year old. Have a meeting with the teacher and let him/her know that your 5 year old is crying about school and saying he hates it. Tell the teacher that you are worried about his social and emotional development - it isn't normal for a 5 year old to hate school and you KNOW that your 5 year old really loves teacher, so what is going on? Then hand her a written, on paper, letter requesting the school to look into this matter, including IQ testing.

It may not work, but it may. The other alternative is private testing, if $s aren't a big issue.

Best Wishes,

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