I agree don't wait. My DD5 was going through the same thing in Kindergarten. Stomach ache every morning. Fighting to get dressed and get out the door. Tell us she hated school. One day I told my husband that I was going to send a note to the teacher about what was going on and asked if she knew of anything going on at school that could be contributing to this. She emailed me back that she recommended DD to be tested. I was shocked. It took from when I emailed around the middle of Oct to the middle of November to get her tested. As soon as we got the scores and had our meeting they told us that it was in her best interest to move her to 1st grade. We all agreed that having a 5 year old hating school was a bad thing. She started first grade the Monday after our Thursday meeting the first week of Dec. She's much happier now but we are still seeing issues so once again I need to go back into the school. I have a list of concerns that I will be discussing with the teacher. I want to do it calmly and have my thoughts laid out. I don't want to go in there combative and emotional.

I hope your meetings turn out well.