I downloaded a free kitchen timer for the iPhone so I don't have to watch the clock for timeout. �I was joking with the hubby, "Need a remote control �for the little ones? �There's an app for that."
Anyway I told him with this program eventually supposedly you can just give him "the look" and turn away and he'll do his time-out.reset right where he sits and turn things around in a better direction- after we stay consistent and it becomes second nature. �He said he'll just need to hear the clicking of the timer, watch. �Well we were in the restaurant and he was starting to get wild and I said, "you need a time-out". I put a crayon on the table, sat him down and said, "look at the crayon, do your time out." �He wanted to line up all 4 crayons first. �The hubby clicked on his timer after the boy set only his 3rd crayon in place; he plopped straight on his butt and put his hands in his lap and quietly looked at his crayon for time-out (it's a flower mandala at home). �Boys and their toys. �I just downloaded the hubby's timer for him today.

I have a small dilemma. �The boy tells me at random he needs to go to time-out. �I've been asking him, For what? He's been telling me which rule he broke that I didn't see. �I don't know if I should keep asking him, for what? �Or just be happy he's self-correcting. �I appreciate the honesty. I just don't know if I should ask why. �

Oh, I'd like to add that the restaurants have really shown me the beauty of this program. �There's no more getting up and leaving the table to take him outside so he doesn't bother anybody, or begging him to be patient so we can all eat. �He doesn't mind the time-outs, they're done right there without leaving the table. �And it really does settle him down. �It works better than anything I've ever seen in the store and other public places because it's so quick and effective. �You can just finish doing whatever you have to do. �Thanks for suggesting this and for being so right about it Grinity.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar