LOL, JJsMom, I just did that myself last week. DS is only 7yo frown.

Have gotten back on the bandwagon and am SOOO glad there's my trusty NHA workbook to refer to and guide me. And this thread that I've been reading silently to give me support. Thanks La Tex, for your positive stories! And of course, Grinity for being there for us.

LOL too about getting DH onboard. DH is the ultimate laissez faire parent - next to him, I feel like the Wicked Witch of the West. I was never like this either, but the stress of managing DS' LDs and school demands (there have been complaints yet again but hiding work that has to be handed up) is just adding up.

I've taken up knitting to purl away my stress. SO in my case, tempers rising? Look for my knitting bag while he does his mini timeout. It's a good break for both of us. I'm sure the minutes will add up somehow!