Point system is only needed in some families. The deep part of it is to get the parents to realize that they 'own' all the goodies, and push the reluctant ones to use the power they have over the goodies. This is really hard of me and DH. It's pretty obvious to other families.

LaTex - it's important not to overthink this one -you have to learn by doing and observing. Just get in there and start 'energizing the positive qualities' you see your son exhibit. Handling strong emotions is a positive quality, so energize it when you see even a little bit of it.

It's really important not to 'phase in' the time outs or points until the child really sees that they can get your wild attention for good behavior, and totally knows what the rules are because you've praised him for following all of them.

LaTex - you seem to have lots of energy. Get used to being aware of how you spend it, and you'll be doing the NHA. Make a big, big deal out of the goodies - use that OverExcitability!

Love and More Love,

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