I'm late to this, but I'm going to have to get the book... or something. I found myself this weekend in tears for yelling at DS like he was an adult... and really, I am just ashamed. I cried afterwards for at least an hour. I know I scared him to death.

Mind you, if DH is around he will be quite steamed that DS is even asking me to bring him a pencil, or that I'm willing to bring the pencil. And there is part of me that is so embarrassed that a child of mine, at this age still forgets and acts like one of the bad children from Willie Wonka. But this is, compared to what it was, a big step forward for us.

Now this hits home b/c getting DH on board is the single hardest thing I have standing in my way. I am really not sure how my mom raised me, as I did not come from a house of yelling or hitting or anything... not sure how I turned out with such a short fuse... but DH, DH grew up in a house of beatings... raw beatings. Granted, he doesn't beat or attempt to beat either DC, but he doesn't even want to look at this type of thing.
