I haven't ordered my copy yet. �I definately will. �Just looking at the preview shed some light on one recent problem. �Almost everytime I get on the phone with somebody my son stops whatever he's doing and comes over to where I'm at and literally tries to talk over me, just like that talking stain on the Tide commercial. �Same thing with my husband. �I've been pausing my conversation and telling him, "I'm on the phone. �Leave me alone or I'm going in the other room.". We frequently have to go in the other room and close the door to finish a conversation. �I thought it was age related. �He gets enough attention. �I was confused because I thought it was attention-seeking behavior. �Now I understand that it might be because we talk faster and become more animated when having a conversation on the cellphone and it's the extra energy attracting him. �
So what would the system have us do to correct this situation? �We've just been consistent in telling him to stop, warning him we're going in the other room, then following through. �

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar