Originally Posted by NanRos
We have been using the "reset" and it is great. My typically tightly wound son actually STILLS his entire body for the two or 3 seconds of reset.

Wow - that is awesome!
I have not been able to get DH to follow this program, but DS doesn't use the TONE with him like he does me. I'm doing it myself and it is helping a lot!

One thing I love about NHA is that although it works faster if all stakeholders are doing it - it works just fine if only one parent is doing it. My guess is if you keep energizing the Positivity you see in your DH - in general and around his parenting - that in a short while he'll start to follow your lead.

Signed, An older professional mom, with an unusually gifted, negative attention junkie male only. (Nan)

LOL Nan! It's so good to know I'm not the only one!!!!

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