Originally Posted by JJsMom
I found myself this weekend in tears for yelling at DS like he was an adult... and really, I am just ashamed. I cried afterwards for at least an hour. I know I scared him to death.

((hugs JJsMom))
I really feel for you. I know that my son has collected more than his share of 'hole rippings' due to his 'adult sounding vocabulary.' There is something protective about baby talking that is spookily missing with some of our kids.

Good for you for having a good cry about it, and resolving to change. The 95th thing I love about Nurtured Heart Approach is that you don't need DH to be aboard to make it work, although it is faster and easier if DH will read the material and takes it on. But DH will catch on, if he sees it working, it will sink in. No matter what his upbringing was like - NHA is a 'start from today' kind of approach.

Speaking of starting from today, I hope you will reset yourself when you start to be distracted by guilt over your last weekend's behavior. Sure, vent or journal about it when you have a moment to rest and reflect, but during your day keep your mind on the present moment. You aren't yelling now. I hope you will remember that there are a lot of worse things that you didn't do, and that you deserve a lot of credit for all the times you haven't yelled at DS this way. If our perfectionism didn't get in the way, then we would notice that grown ups 'rip a new one' for their kids in public, on a pretty frequent basis. Parenting is messy!

Today, keep track of all the things you love and approve of about yourself, your DH and your DS. Describe what you see if it's comfortable and natural, or just beam a smile from your heart. It feels so much better.

Love and More Love,

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