Clay's right. It only matters what it is and who made it. "Multiply this!" hip hop songs will get the multiplication facts stuck in your head just as good as filling in the multiplication chart every day for two weeks. Watching Nova will spark your imagination of the endless possibility and wonders of this world.'s "About Me" wordshapes CBT does the same thing as the wordshape cut and paste worksheets used in school I would think. Actually my neighbor said her sons teacher told him to use starfall to reinforce what they were learning in class that he wasn't getting.
The few things you can't get from a computer would be handwriting, which is reportedly important for balancing the two hemispheres of the brain. Co-operation and teamwork. A software program can teach you the right answer and how to get there with self-correcting answers. Really you'd be missing the other students thought processes from the class, but you could see every known opinion in the world.
Then again I'm basing these impressions on stuff I've read online smile

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar