La Texican,

I do have to agree with the person who argued against instructions of anatomically correct body, mostly because of your child's age. At two it really isn't important for them to be taught this, but do I think you have destroyed his creativity by doing so? No, of course not and from your post I get the impression that they delivered that message in an aggressive manner. Sorry you had to deal with that. I would suggest just handing him the paint and letting him have fun. You could always use the primary paints and introduce him to how they create secondary colors. Another fun project for toddlers is exploring nature. Take some paper and crayola outside and let him trace leaves or even shadows but if he goes outside and just wants to scribble that's fine too. It is just about opening their eyes to different environments.

As for the two pictures you posted and creativity. The line drawing is way more interesting and the sweet narrative of what he saw seals the deal. I love to see drawings and painting by children and listen to how they interpret it. DD always has a story about her creations. It is never, "hey I drew a monkey" but more this is my monkey and he did x, y and z and on and on and next thing you know we are all involved in the story.

Big hugs to you and don't worry about other people's opinions especially when they take it to the extreme and if I'm going this route you most definitely don't have to consider mine either. wink Just have fun with your DS.