My D15 is also a big Wikipedia surfer, mostly used for picking up info that would be useful in Quiz Bowl, but I think she also does it for fun. She is well aware that the info is "user provided", and that it COULD be incorrect, but Wiki is still a great way to learn quickly about a new topic. I have no qualms about this, I know she wouldn't depend on it for any super critical info. And just take a look at the non-fiction kids section of any library these days... so many of the books are 30 years old and completely out of date, I would trust Wiki over many of them!

I look up technical terms all the time on it at work; I had one client that blocked it, and it really bugged me when someone would mention a new encryption algorithm or technical acronym, and I couldn't pull up a description on Wiki so I could sound smart about it smile As a pretty heavy user, I actually only rarely see something out there that I consider inaccurate.

Not saying it is the best way to learn... but I actually think it has a whole lot to recommend it over the old Encyclopedia set we had when I was a kid.