Originally Posted by Iucounu
You of course wouldn't see her creativity stifled when coloring; you are predisposed against the idea, and you'd have to observe what she could have drawn by herself without someone else's lines in the way, and then compare it to the colored book. Which would show and encourage more creativity?

Since I've allowed my child access to coloring books I clearly have no ability to judge her creativity? Seriously? I love your assumptions that since my child has actually used a coloring book or page that she is only allowed such activities for her creativity. This extreme attitude is cracking me up. As I stated in my first post, I am an artist and have degrees in art. Many a time has been spent with my daughter just drawing on an art tablet. She has her own art supplies (Tablet and art pencils) and happily draws nonstop throughout the day. She also enjoys watching mommy draw.

My DD has been writing and drawing way before she turned 1 and way before she was interested in coloring. I have seen no decline in her creativity, just an advancement of her skills. She still creates her mystical creatures with volume. Is coloring her favorite thing to do? No, but if and when she wants to she is more than welcome to it. Does she prefer to just draw? Actually yes and of course this is where we see her creativity but the argument of stifling her creativity because she has colored between some lines is silly.

And again, I'm not arguing against the logic of coloring being over used, especially in schools. And I feel this argument is valid in that if all they ever give them is these structured projects then the children have no real outlet to create. My DD has the bonus of mommy and the chance to let loose and just see where it leads her. Some kids only get 'art' time in school and this is sad.

But I certainly do not have a hate of coloring books. And by no means am I saying you should change your mind ... it is your right as a parent such as it is my right as a parent to be fine with it. What I am sensing is you on a soapbox and that is what I'm reacting to.