Ellipses talked about doing homework and starting the habit in kindergarten. Last night, we were reading Junie B. Jones Cheater Pants.

Junie B. didn't have her homework done and her father wouldn't let her stay up Sunday night to do it. I stopped in the story and told DD that her parents should have helped Junie B by making sure her homework was done before she did all the fun stuff all weekend. And we talked about things she has to do like piano practice.

We give reasons, simple reasons why she has to obey. Like today, she was about 50 yards away on the beach playing with another girl. Suddenly she and the girl start running to the water. I just happened to be watching and told DH who was reading. He got up and went to her. The waves were small and she is a decent swimmer now but this is the ocean and she has to know that she cannot go into the water without telling us. We didn't go consequences but were strict giving her reasons -- her safety. That is how we handle it.

Now bad behavior like this morning, lying on the floor, whining wanting me to pick her up and then getting humpfy about watching TV. I turned Disney channel off and told her to get up and apologize to me for her behavior. No explanatins. She didn't need one. Bad behavior gets the 1,2,3.
