Hi, thanks so much for the replies! They help immensely. Just knowing that there's light at the end of the tunnel is a relief in and of itself. I think she probably is having some anxiety about starting school, especially since we're still talking about schools (though we have her enrolled for K).

I've been trying to keep her actively learning through the summer, but she learns so fast and I'm also busy with our baby twins. I'll try setting up more projects for her the night before and see if that helps. She is *constantly* asking for 'something new to do'. I don't know if she's spoiled or just needs new things for her brain to be interested. We're always getting new books from the library at least.

Spook, your comment about too many choices really made me think. DD has always been so self-determined that I have always tried to give her as many choices as possible. Maybe we've ended up giving her too many. Lately, I have noticed her trying to make decisions about all kinds of things, including things that she doesn't get choices on. I'm going to start working on this and see if we get some improvement.

Does anyone have any suggestions for discipline techniques for when their behavior crosses the line? Time outs are really not working...its such a struggle to even get her to go sit in the time out place, and it just intensifies the whole problem.