I few of you on this post have already read about some of my DS(4 next week). After the last pre-school trial, and failure because of the unruly boys, and because of the tension he experienced when he wouldn't comply to circle time and wanting to be the leader. We pulled him due to up to 10 nightmares per night, shaking when picking him up, plus he regressed in speaking... It turned into an "everyone for themselves" dynamic in the classroom. He is extremely gun-shy with authority figures now, and am looking for advice on whether or not to try to start him in another school right away (if I can find one), try fun summer school programs, or wait until next fall (if I find something). He has been out of school for 3.5 weeks now. My Mother is pressuring me to put him somewhere (it is really not her decisooin, I realize, and I can be firm with her) because she thinks it would be best for him. People keep telling me, "you won't know how he'll do until he tries." I am scared for him that he will act out because he is scared and still doesn't feel safe again, someone will act extremely disappointed in him for acting out, and then he will feel like he failed again. No one knows what his little psychy has been through. He has a speech delay to begin with and is just starting to talk more again. He has been acting like he doesn't know things that he knew before pre-school...that he has known for 2 years. His writing was getting pretty good until the boys came in; but having him do it at home now, still is shaky. Does anyone have any advice on how long it may take him to re-coup. He is a sensory child; and we are starting OT therapy back on Monday. Lately we have been reading at night with him (he sits snuggled in between my DH and I on the sofa), the same 6 books from the library for 8? nights now. He chimes in on about 40-50 of the words by memory when I pause to see if he'll remember them. It has been his real only sign of confidence lately...and I think that it happens because he is almost tricked into doing it. As I have said before, he won't perform what he knows unless he wants to. Any like experiences? Thanks (sorry so long-I'm just sad for him, and no one is being very supportive around here, except my DH). My Mom sees that I am stressed about the situation, but thinks it's DS stressing me out. DS has been an angel now that his steroid stuff seems to be out of his system. It's mostly her.;)

Last edited by Mom0405; 04/01/09 01:44 PM.

Mom to DS6