Originally Posted by Dottie
I spent probably the first 6-7 years of her life hearing, but not understanding virtually non-stop comments of awe, and thinking they were all about her height. So many people were shocked to learn she was "only x years" at various stages, and I chalked every single one of their comments....teachers included, up to her off the charts stature, whistle .

LOL, I have a tall DS4...and although I knew something was up early on..I was always so happy he was bigger because at least when he does exceptionally advanced things people thought he was older. They were pretty amazed then they saw what they thought was a 3 year old reading signs in the stores...but if they knew he had just turned 2 that would have been even more awkard. I used to pray that people wouldn't ask his age because I didn't want to lie to them, and I wasn't ashamed of him...just the situations and awkwardness. Anyhow, now that I am considering skipping K, I am glad he is a tall kid. It works well for us.