Not shellymos but we had an almost kicked out of preschool experience with DS6 (then 4). If I hadn't have pulled him out I think he would have been kicked out.

He is very high energy and highly verbal. He didn't accept the rules from the adults unless there was a solid explanation for them. They told him that 4 year olds don't read. They told him to sit and be quiet all the time. They gave time outs excessively. DS6 eventually started to lash back. He hit the teachers. He talked back at the teachers (lots of "I hate yous", "I'm going to kill you", "I'm going to poop on you")He said whatever he could to make an impact. He enjoyed sitting at the director's desk of the daycare/preschool. He told me that at least he didn't have to sit in the classroom anymore and constantly get into trouble.

Academically they did not offer any challenge and I knew that they would not since it was a play based preschool. They would not allow early entry to their private K program. They only follow district policy.

DS6, even now, is a little more physical than most kids. A simple game of tag usually can turn into full contact football. The teachers could never find a way to curb his behavior besides repeated time outs and see above to see how those worked out.

The signs I saw in DS6 that made me get him tested was that his behavior at home was no where near the reported behavior at school. DS6 also had frequent angry outbursts when I asked him about school. My only regret is that I waited almost 8 months to get him tested before pulling him out of that situation. I honestly was in gifted denial and thought that DS6 was just one of those "bad" kids.

We also ended up in Montessori after I pulled him out. This was a great fit for DS6, but only temporarily. DS6 does not like repetition, at all. A lot of Montessori is repetition. You need to complete certain activities a certain number of times in a particular order to move on. DS6 did rebel against some of these processes even though the teachers were willing to work with him. DS6 did not stay there for K since it was only a 3-6 year old school and he had outgrown the materials within 7 months of starting there.

In hindsight I had wished I kept him there this year because even if he did not learn anything he would probably be having much more fun than in his current Public School K/1st grade situation.

Every decision I make for DS6 has been a tough one. I am now realizing that I can't regret them because I would constantly live in regret. Parenting PG kids is tough. I love Shari's advice of having a sense of humor.

Last edited by crisc; 03/30/09 08:48 AM.
