Really? That's what goes in the portfolio? I hadn't considered DS's questions and that kind of stuff for a portfolio, Trinity. I figured it would have to be worksheets and artwork and that sort of thing.

Okay, now I'm thinking portfolio might be the way to go for us. It certainly beats chasing a test score. (Gag.) At least then I'd feel like the committee got a true look at what DS is capable of. He's in or out on his own merits and actual accomplishments. That's good!

Aside from the "regular" milestones ala Ruf, excerpts from his baby book as they seem to apply, and his test scores, what else would you put in a portfolio?

I've got a photo of DS as a baby, propped up in his Boppy and studying a book. The interest in his eyes is unmistakable...and worth 1000 words! Maybe the photos I took of his drawings of cars on his magnetic drawing board when he was about a year old? (I think? I made sure to date the photos, but I can't recall now when he was drawing them. He seemed really young to be creating recognizable images, that I know...)

What else goes in?

Hmmm...I must put some thought into this now...

Thanks, Trinity! Very helpful, as always! smile
