Thanks, Dottie. But I think you misunderstand me a bit. I'm not worried or upset about DS's performance. Not even disappointed. I think he did just fine. My only wish is that we would have gotten a more definitive answer about whether he is YSP-qualified or not. He's in that gray area, and I'd just really like to KNOW something. When one of the foremost experts in testing gifted kids can't pin down your child as level 3, 4 or 5, then where does that leave you?

My attitude is this: if DS should be in YSP, then great. If he shouldn't be, well, that's great, too. I don't really know what he's missing, so I'm not stressed about it at all. It wouldn't bother me if we just shrugged the WISC off and didn't test him again. But DH figures we spent the first $750, so we might as well spend another $750 and actually get a result for our money (we hope!). If he'd had a good test day last week, then we'd be done with it. He didn't, so here we are...

And actually, I would have assumed that the one "bombed" subtest was a good read of DS if the tester hadn't said, "I saw what was going on in his head, and this was NOT a valid indicator of your DS's abilities! If I were reporting his score, I'd be very comfortable with dropping that subtest." Then the tester explained what the test was and what the problem was, and I saw what he meant. But I was/am honestly not hoping for anything in particular from DS's scores. What difference does it really make to me if he's level 3 or level 5? I just want to know what his scores are and know that they are a (mostly?) accurate reflection of his abilities, whatever those abilities are. And then I want to know what my best options for educating him are.

I just didn't want you to think that I'm some sort of stage mother, Dottie! I love DS just the way he is...I'd just like to know exactly what it is that I'm loving! smile
