Nope, Dottie, when I say bombed I mean BOMBED! DS got a 9 on the subtest. It was the "find what's impossible or silly" subtest, and DS got wrapped up in details and didn't really answer the questions, I guess. The tester said "He couldn't see the forest for the trees." DS is totally a detail sort of kid, very literal, so that makes sense.

On the two working memory subtests, he got a 12 and a 14 (verbal). Not bombing, but not exceptional enough for YSP either. All the other verbal subtests were 16 or higher--mostly 17s, if memory serves. He got a 19+ out of 19 on the pattern recognition subtest, maxing out the test. But unlike his consistent performance on the verbal half, his performance on the non-verbal half of the test was very uneven.

Your theory is interesting. I didn't ask DS6 if he were challenged. Hmmm...
