Thanks, all! Very helpful! I think I'll wait for the formal report from the psychologist, take another look at the requirements for YSP, and then decide if I should apply now or not. The tester did actually suggest that I submit the WJ-III scores now so that Davidson would be less likely to ask us to re-test on those. But I dunno...I'm with ACS that I think I should have the numbers to back me up before we make a move. There's no reason to clog up the Davidson maibox if DS isn't meeting the requirements. And since I wouldn't know what to include in a portfolio...

I did go back and take another hard look at Dr. Ruf's book with DS6's baby book in hand, and I'm sure he's a level 4 at least. With the actual dates in front of me, not just working from memory, it's clear to me that he's not a level 3, and his dates don't line up with the level 5 as well as they do with the level 4s. But his curiosity is mind-blowing. I wonder if he might be one of those "floater" kids who moves back and forth between 4 and 5, depending on his interest in the subject matter. Just last night--with a 101-degree fever!--he asked about what causes feedback loops, why green beans are classified as a vegetable rather than a fruit even though they have seeds inside like fruit, how our eyes work, and how language originated.

When I'm sick, all I want to do is turn my brain off and watch "Law and Order" reruns! But DS wants to learn! About everything! All the time! LOL!
