Hi Bronxmom - glad to hear your appointment got moved up. Yes! Playtime is so important! The skill thing real evens out once the typing ability emerges - until then it's like waiting for puberty.

Hi Arminius - Welcome! I also found keyboarding opened up my whole world, once in high school, then in college - when spellcheck became availible, then recently as a mom with social networks like this one. A great age to live in for folks like us!

I was around during the 'heyday of PDAs' and really miss them. I had a keyboard too. What do you find is the best combo for highschool - portability v. cost v. usability. My son is starting next year. I wonder if those netbooks are 'enough' for notetaking, am drooling over the MacBook Air, and thinking a Blackberry with a keyboard might be 'just fine.'


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