Just want to let you know you are not alone!

DS7 has similar score in a few area of WISC IV. Last year in KG, he fought so hard with the teacher and us. He would sit in class for journal writing and would not write anything for 45 minutes. I was volunteering and the teacher showed me. He was the best reader in class and the worst writer.

This year in 1st grade, his teacher complained again about him not writing. So we sat him down once again and told him he could not avoid writing in his life. DS7 was stubborn, but we persuaded him that if he didn't start writing, he will have a serious problem later on.

DS has caught up a lot since the beginning of this year. He is not the best in terms of handwriting. I can't ask for more. One time just a few weeks ago, his handwriting was so bad that it looked like a paragraph of letters. The process is painful. We are still going through it. I just want to let you know you are not alone and hopefully there is light in the other end of the tunnel for you.
