My son also has a simlar 'normal processing speed' - PG everything else. I call it a 'Bottleneck' instead of a LD, but in certian circumstances, I did think of his as 2E. Now that he's a fast typist, it doesn't come up, but he gets 'tired and worn out' much much faster than 'seems normal' to me. So maybe that bottleneck is still there.

I would definitly ask on the Davidson email lists if anyone else has experience with PANDAS and join the homeschool list and ask about 'reluctant spouces.'

Sylvia Rimm is one of their consultants who has done phone call consults about the 'triangle dynamics' in families. We aren't a blended family, but with our gifted OEs, we've had plenty of experience with this.

Bronxmom, is your son's bio-father also in the equation?

Love and More Love,

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