Thank you so much for your kind thoughts... I did get an earlier appointment (early next week) and hope to "resume my regularly scheduled worries" (as Grinity so aptly said) soon.

In fact I have resumed them already... because my son is just so miserable at school! They don't explore any of the topics that interest him. He told me that yesterday they studied solids in science, "but it was all stuff I knew a long time ago. It's always like that."

His body of knowledge seems WAY ahead of the other kids, but his concrete skills, especially writing, seem pretty behind.

So he spends his whole day butting his head again a wall. (And getting in trouble.)

Also my son seems to need MORE play time than other kids his age. I mean he gets lost in a fantasy world for hours and hours at a time. It often feels like we are living (or walking down the street) with a maniac. And I know this imaginational OE will remain even when his health improves.

I am wondering if others feel that their kids need more, not less, play time than other kids their age... but maybe that's a question for another thread.

Thanks again! I'll keep you posted on the medical stuff. It really is interesting. I think this connection between antibodies and mental health/behavior is just beginning to be explored!