Hi Bronxmom,
I have a DS6 who also hates to write. We decided to homeschool for a lot of the reasons listed above. He is doing much better with writing now, actually with everything. His behavior changed almost overnight with the elimination of stress with school. He was so happy during the summer and when school hit, he basically went into a shell and had tons of meltdowns or outbursts. He was a lot like your son in that some days I would pick him up from school and he would have gotten into trouble for this or that only to find out he had a temp of 100+ when we got home. He never complains of aches, pains, sore throat, rarely stomach aches, but he has tested positive for strep several times. He does not have seizures though so does that rule out PANDAS???? Anyways I think he is just not in touch with his body signals or messages. We are working on that. He was a bear to toilet train and still gives us 2 seconds in the car before we have to pull over. Anyways welcome and good luck!