Hi BronxMom,
i don't know anything about PANDAS, but I do know that raising a kid with scores like yours can be E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G! But this PANDAs thing sounds very scary? Are there internet sites for that?

My son was a 'reluctant' writer until age 9, when his typing skills finally 'came it' and he was able to type at 100 wpm. After that he became a wonderful (although still strange) writer. Folks who don't like his style feel that if they were reading one of his research papers aloud, that they would never have a chance to catch their breath. I was stunned reading one of his papers at the sheer 'density' of the information that was presented. I found it dazzeling.

In 1st and 2nd grade it was exactly as you described. Short answers, sentence fragments, stick figures when he had to draw. The teachers were always writing ' Show More Details!' on his paper and wanting him to use a graphical organizer. He still is reluctant to use an outline or graphical organizer - but now he can juggle the whole thing in his head. Seriously, my estimate is that it would require a paper over 20 pages to get him to actually NEED an outline.

My advice would be to gently hothouse keyboard technique, try to get accomidation so he can dictate, or make powerpoint presentations or video blog entries, and have faith. I would work on the handwriting itself a bit with the 'handwriting without tears' workbooks. Basically the writing will take care of itself. I don't care if he flunks first grade and never writes a whole sentence in the classroom all year and all next year. His miserable life in school worries me much more. You want him to develop self esteem - the way that happens is if a child eventually overcomes a challenge that is challenging in their view. You want him to develop a work ethic. That also demands that he work at his 'readiness level.'

The phrase 'Asynchronous Development' really seemed to fit my son. The writing will come eventually. But being in a classroom situation that makes him miserable can cause harm that is very tricky to reverse. 1st grade is supposed to be fun. It isn't normal to 'hate life' or 'hate school' at this stage.

Love and More Love,

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