Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
Grinity wrote:

Was this in reply to my question?
DS12 just seems to 'need' much more time without anything scheduled then I expect. He also hates having'nothing to do. Go figure.

That is exactly my DS8!

Yes Dazy, I was posting from my phone, and a bit limited...

Let me know what you find that works, ok? I'm still shaking my head.

Here's another Datapoint: At the young scholar gatherings, he can 'go and go'all day and almost all night for three days with only a melt down or two - which I find amazing.
Perhaps he is an extrovert and drawing energy from the crowd? At home he is an only, and DH doesn't arrive home until 8pm, so things are a bit to quiet.

We recently got a Wii Fit for the family, and it seems that he is finally going to get some physical conditioning, so perhaps that will make a difference.

Love and More Love,

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