They don't believe you! That's too bad. I've heard plenty of stories of talking babies - also babies that count in the uterus, as in, Mom taps three times, baby kicks three times. Mine wasn't like that, but many are.

You might want to joint your state gifted association and start making friends with other parents of gifted kids. There is no official definition of gifted, so although it's too early to tell if your baby is, or will be gifted, no one can say your baby isn't gifted. You deserve to be around people will believe you. It's not good for mommies or children to have to 'mask themselves' all the time. You may also want to start hanging out at the public library, looking for mom's with huge bags of books (fast readers sometimes are gifted) or early readers, who are also sometimes gifted.

Post here often and brag to your hearts content.


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