Hey Trinity...your mail made me smile..Siya is full of questions...and like you I stick to the truth...I blend it andmanipulate it to stories her mind is ready for...If she hears a noise sh asks ' What was that mumma' or 'What is this'...yes she kicks my cat too and then I tell her not to do it because it hurts...she knows the word 'injury' and shows me the smallest scatches on herself...so I tell her the cat wil cry id you kick her...siya is sensitive to her pets and capable of understanding that.
Trinity I dont know if there is some way to nuture Siya...there is no Indian way...I am just lucky to be savvy with the net and google stuff for her growth. the net has surely helped me. My quest for knowledge on gifted children continues. Is giftedness a blessing or a curse? How do I know which area she is gifted in? How do I keep away from letting her giftedness go waste? so on and on.
