Hmm...Also interesting...

He's not usually been a frustrated kid. He has often frustrated the adults waiting for him, however! Parents and teachers have not always been understanding. But *he* hasn't typically been bothered by his speed issues at all.

However, you've got me thinking...He *is* bothered by *my* being bothered. So maybe he got upset in advance because he THOUGHT I would be upset. That's a possibility.


We did have a talk about mistakes being a good thing provided you're doing your best. It's a sign you're being challenged and that you're learning. I talked with him about my perfectionism, and that I'm trying not to encourage that in him, but that it can be hard for me. Hopefully we can muddle through it together.

He did calm down, and I hope the talk helped. I am cheered by his "hard is good!" mantra, at least! smile

Thanks, Grinity. I appreciate your insights. smile
