I very consciously try to avoid the S word and focus on how well they tried at something. No spectacular results yet, but perhaps eventually.

Oh Mythbusters... I generally refer to it as "that dozey bloke's show", which doesn't put DH off at all. I just can't cope with how long it has to take and all the gratuitous blowing up. DS6 seems already to have a bit of a preference - he's asked us to tape the news for him, though I haven't agreed. He particularly likes politics and wars. I'll give DH the mission of discovering some way of learning more about world affairs that is reasonably appropriate for a 6YO. I know he's interested, but the news can be a bit hard core and I'm just not ready for him to learn about suicide bombers and pedophiles, eg. I'll also follow up some of the excellent suggestions you all have made, including the on-line maths - I think both boys might like that.

We've been to the local library today and armed ourselves with a stack of readers. Look out world (one hopes). From a practical perspective, reading has to be the first cab off the rank. They've both become desperate for chapter books, and there are only so many hours a day I can devote to reading The Famous Five.

I was dwelling (compulsive dweller) on my last post, amazed at how such obvious conclusions took such a long time coming. And based on past experience I'm pretty sure I can count on having more of those moments. What a pitiful reflection.

I don't think I've said yet how much I like this site, but would like to say so now, and how much I appreciate everyone's responses.
