Originally Posted by BKD
I think this may be something I have to embrace. We've never pushed him, partly because it seemed setting up for trouble given an education system that's very set against early entry/acceleration, and partly because I didn't want to be one of those parents (oh dreadful hot-housers). If I was doing it again I would push.

this is exactly where we were coming from, with overlays of old bible stories where the parents turn over the first-born males to the priests in my head. If I was going to send him to school then I HAD to force myself to trust them to do it THEIR way, and limit my parental responsibility to other areas of his life, like food and clothing. I think that if I hadn't been blamed for being 'different' in school, and still caried the confusion over being blamed, then I would have been able to calibrate my actions to the actual real situation in front of me better.

Okay. Hot-housing here I come. Once I figure out what it might involve. The teacher has already subtly suggested that his troubles are to do with parental pressure, so I might as well apply some.


Go BK!
The Rimm book predicts that children who are underchallenged will behave in ways that trick everyone into thinking that the have too much pressure on them. Interesting, no?
Did you know that here are even levels and competitions for piano playing now?


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