I hear you, BKD.

I confess, that's probably the biggest reason that we're homeschooling. I just couldn't imagine all the years of advocacy we were/I was in for! It's really my nightmare, I'm afraid. I figured that if I were going to devote so much of my time and energy to my child's education, then I might as well do the teaching. Less aggravation for me. (Not that I think everyone should do what I'm doing--just my own personal way of coping...)

My son has a motto that he invented after he left public school: "hard is good." It makes me smile that he came up with that on his own! smile

We are having a bit of perfectionism cropping up lately, but we're dealing with it. I suspect some of that is inevitable with a kid like ours. Some of it is his personality, nature rather than nurture. But he's 7, so we can do a lot to minimize the problem. And I'd far rather deal with it now, when we can work through it and stress to him how great it is to make mistakes and learn from them, than to have him coast until he's a teen.

Yes, BKD, act early! Yes!
