Oh. That article rather knocked away my generally flippant tone.

I prefer not to go there emotionally, but that's the great fear behind my thinking about my children's education. I've been trying to remember if there was ever a time I found school interesting, but I don't think there was. Having lived the underachiever experience I emphatically want to avoid that for my children. I agree Kriston - act early and avoid the pattern establishing.

I've told the boys to fortify themselves for the new regime - effort required on a daily basis - the joys of having to try hard, etc, etc and then some. They looked a bit bewildered, poor loves. I feel a bit bewildered myself. I really hope I'm up to it, especially tackling the education system, which I can see is going to be crucial but which I know I'm not cut out for by nature. Fortification all round.