you must insist that challenge be part of their life every day - even for 15 minutes at home with you - even if they scream and kick and tantrum.
I think this may be something I have to embrace. We've never pushed him, partly because it seemed setting up for trouble given an education system that's very set against early entry/acceleration, and partly because I didn't want to be one of those parents (oh dreadful hot-housers). If I was doing it again I would push.

My son loved anything where the goals were real overt - such as gaining experience levels in a video game
That's what happened during his brief phase of enthusiasm for reading - he discovered the series that has reading levels marked on the back, and was full of himself for getting from Level 1 to Level 12 or so in about six weeks. And then it was over. Last week his teacher told me that some of the kids in the class are starting to read, and she's been getting them to read simple books to the class - but my boy isn't one of them. I've been wondering if he's been feeling a bit knocked off his perch, and is reacting by dropping out of the competition (as he might see it).

Okay. Hot-housing here I come. Once I figure out what it might involve. The teacher has already subtly suggested that his troubles are to do with parental pressure, so I might as well apply some.