Ah! Interesting distinction.

The only problem I see with it is that the things my son seems to get wiggy about lately are mistakes, not Ability/Vision issues.

For example:

We played a math card game that was too hard for him--he just didn't have the requisite knowledge yet--and he got all upset about it. Threw a hissy fit, tears, the whole 9 yards. I didn't understand it at all.

"It's MY mistake," I said, "I just brought the game out too early for you because I didn't know any better." I told him that I wasn't upset about it (I really wasn't at all!), and asked, "Why are *you* so upset?"

He said he didn't like it that he didn't know enough to play it. He felt like he should have known more. Now, it was times tables stuff, and while we've been working on them a little here and there, he doesn't yet have them down. I thought the card game would be a tool for *teaching* the times tables, but I think it's really for those who have *mastered* them to practice with. But he was a wreck about it.

So is that a Vision issue? It sounds like perfectionism to me...
